
Doosan published on
1 min, 143 words

Categories: Data Structure

an entity that hold data is called node and a line connect two nodes is called edge.


Undirected Graph: no directions

example: facebook, linkedin

Directed Graph: asymmetric relationship

example: teacher and student, employer and employee

Weighted Graph: edges represent values

example: distance, cost, similarity

Representing Graph

Adjacency matrix:
implementation: multi-dimension array
pros: easy to implement
cons: take long time to check all the edges that conect two node.
Adjacency list:
implementation: list of vector/liked list 
pros: it only stores the value of connected nodes. number of elements of a vector are equal to number of edges
cons: while adjacency matrix takes O(1) time complexity to check wheather two node has relationship, adjacency list takes O(n) time complexity. n is number of elements a vector has.
