In C#, covariance and contravariance enable implicit reference conversion for array types, delegate types, and generic type arguments
Covariance는 한국어로 공변성이라고 하고 자식(파생,하위) 타입이 부모 타입의 변수로 할당되는 형변환
Contravariance는 한국어로 반공변성이라고 하고 부모 타입이 자식 타입 변수로 할당되는 형변환
Covariance for arrays
이것은 우리가 흔히 아는 개념이다. 자식객체가 부모객체에 할당
object[] array = new String[10];
Variance in Generic Interfaces
public class Animal{
public string Name{get;set;}
public class Cat:Animal{
public class Dog:Animal{
public class Schnauzer:Dog{
public class GermanShepherd : Dog{
IEnumerable<GermanShepherd> germanShepherds = new List<GermanShepherd>();
IEnumerable<Dog> dogs = germanShepherds;
dogs = new List<Schnauzer>();
It is also important to remember that classes that implement variant interfaces are still invariant.
//this generates a compiler error
List<Dog> = new List<GermanShepherd>();
//this compiles
IEnumerable<Dog> = new List<GermanShepherd>();
class BaseComparer : IEqualityComparer<Dog>
public int GetHashCode(Dog baseInstance)
return baseInstance.GetHashCode();
public bool Equals(Dog x,Dog y)
return x == y;
//less derived class instance assigned to more derived class instance. so it's contravariance
IEqualityComparer<GermanShepherd> comparer = new BaseComparer();
//compile fail
IEqualityComparer<Animal> comparer = new BaseComparer();
Creating Variant Generic Interfaces
A generic interface that has covariant or contravariant generic type parameters is called variant.
interface IDogHospital<in T,out R>
R DoSomething(T t);
//compile error, type with out keyword cannot be an argument of a method
//void DoSomething(R r);
// compile error, type with in keyword cannot be a return type
//T DoSomething();
void DoSomething(Action<R> callback);
R DoSomethingElse<TT>() where TT:T;
//compile error
//R DoSomethingElse<TT>() where TT:R;
public class DogHospital<T,R> : IDogHospital<T, R>
public R DoSomething(T s)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void DoSomething(Action<R> callback)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public R DoSomethingElse<TT>() where TT : T
throw new NotImplementedException();
var hospital = new DogHospital<Animal,Dog>();
Animal animal = hospital.DoSomething(new Schnauzer());
Dog dog = hospital.DoSomethingElse<Cat>();